
How to Write an About Us Page that Grows your Business!

About us page

Writing an About Us Page can be very challenging. From the perfect photo to put, the best words to use, the appropriate perspective and etc. If this is your first time ever writing an about us page, expect to learn a lot of things you didn’t even know are important for this page!

Next to your website’s home page, the About Us page is another important element on your website. It is the static content on your website that gives the visitors or traffic everything they need to know about your business. This is where the identity of your business is located and found by potential clients!

Continue reading to see how to write a killer About Us page and use it as one of the many powerful tools to grow your business!

What is an About Us Page?

Have you ever visited a website and felt like you want to know more about the business, so you look at the header of the website and click the “About” page? That is literally it. If you are someone who has been around the web world, about us pages are not new for you and you might already have shallow knowledge of how one should look.

There are 6 things that need to be found on an About Us page, namely :

  • Clear introduction about what your business does and why you do it
  • Reasons why should they trust you and why your business is reliable and credible
  • How can your business help potential customers attend to their needs and solve their problems?
  • Share what milestones have you had to support the second bullet
  • A visual representation of your business, teams and etc.
  • How they can take the next step to get more from you or a call-to-action

This means that the visitors must be able to get all the information from your about page, that’s when you can say that you have a good About Us page.

In the next section, you will know about what is the main objective of About Us pages, because then and only then will you be able to write a good one that aligns with your business!

The objective of the About Us Page

About Us pages’ job for your business website is pretty obvious based on its name. It showcases your business and what it does to the potential clients that are on your website. It shows the people behind the business, the teams that will work for the clients or are working for the business, and the milestones and significant events that happened to the business that adds credibility to it.

So the question is, what is the main objective of About Us pages?


This is the word! Introduce your business to your clients and give them a good knowledge and understanding of what you do and how you can help them, which will lead to them deciding if they should trust your business and continue or if they should stop right there and then.

So in writing the About Us page, make sure that it is what you are doing. Introducing your business and making sure that you are highlighting the reasons why your business is the perfect fit for the potential customers who are reading!

At this point, it is crystal clear why About Us pages are important for every single business website, regardless of what business you do, what field you are in, and what you offer.

Up next, the best part, is the 10 excellent tips on how to write a good About Page for your business website. Make sure to pay attention and read between the lines.

How to Write an About Us Page that grows your business!

Here are 10 extremely important tips for you! Pay attention and take notes, for you are just about to write the best About page for your website!

1. Emphasis on Who are you, What you do, Why you do it, and How you can help the readers

This is the main goal of the about page, to give emphasis on these four parts. This should be clear, straight to the point with supporting details, and true!  This is where you have to focus because these are the main tea of your about us page. You have to pay attention to these parts more than anything because this is the sole purpose. Make sure that you highlight the benefits your business can give them.

Keep in mind that in making the About Us page for your website, you are not just bragging about your business but it is more of laying down the things you can offer to help them in front of them as you understand their needs, then everything follows!

2. Speak to the Readers Directly

When the readers feel like they are being directly spoken to, it is a big factor in conversion to sales. According to research, the minds of people are wired to speak, if the thing they are reading is something that directly speaks to them, it will be a huge influence to impact their decision on what to do next after reading the about us page.

When writing the about us page for your business website you can use two perspectives, it is highly recommended to use the perspective from the business. This means this involves a lot of using the word “We”

For example, the part of the services you offer can be something like this:

We, at Serene Beauty Spa will give you the best facial experiences you’ve ever had! You can avail of the following facial services:”

See how it immediately sounds like the team is already in front of the potential customer who is reading and is ready to cater to the prospect immediately.

3. Have an Excited Tone

There is definitely a huge difference between about us pages that have an excited tone and another that just dumped details and long writing on that page.

You do not have to use emojis or a lot of exclamation points. This one will be based on two things, 1. If you really are excited when writing and 2. Your choice of words.

For example, instead of saying this as your first sentence as a header “Welcome to our About Page where you will get to know us more” you can say “Hi there! You have reached the page to get to know our business more. (and so on). The difference might not look that big, but when read by the potential clients the difference in impact is insane!

Readers can sense the emotion of your About Us page, especially since a lot of netizens today are woke and highly aware of the things on the internet. People now have become wise, and they have a lot of options on Google alone so make sure that you will let the readers know you are glad they took the time to scroll on your page despite the vast choices of businesses that can help them.

4. Tell a Story

Stories sell! But do not forget that you should tell stories that are only relevant to your business or the industry you are in. Such as milestones and history. The clients are not interested to know about where you went to school elementary, who was your mortal enemy, who bullied you and etc. (unless it is highly relevant and related to your business)

For example, if you are a cosmetic business, you can tell a story of how you as the CEO once a small-time makeup artist and then eventually took the risk to start a cosmetic business that benefits makeup artists and people who love makeup.

Stories are good, choose the ones to tell. Answer these questions before adding stories to your about us page:

  • Is the story relevant?
  • Will it help make your business look good?
  • Does it give credibility to your business?
  • Are these stories interesting?
  • Do these stories emphasize the business?

If the answer to all these questions is yes, then you can definitely add that story to your about page!

5. Put your Goals, Mission, and Vision Especially fo the People you Serve!

Not a lot of businesses have a clear mission, vision, and goals. Some of these businesses are done after giving the deliverables. But if you put your GMV on the ABout Us page of your business website, the potential clients will see as early as then that you care about them and help them be at ease that your business has it’s eyes set and focused on the goal!

6. Strong Eye for Errors

Making sure that there are no grammatical, spelling, headings, even photos, alignment, or other common errors in the content itself is a prerequisite before posting. Make sure that you scrutinize the whole page while uploading and checking how it looks on other devices such as phones and tablets.

About Us page will be a reflection of your business, whether it looks good or bad is under your control, make sure you do the first one.

7. Be mindful of the Length

Stop putting awfully long about me pages! No one will read it if it looks intimidating because of the length. Every word, every story, and every sentence that you put in there must matter and must be relevant to the business and the customers.

Business website owners often misunderstood the about us page as a place where they can just dump boring details and boring long stories which makes it lengthy which is equal to boring. And no one likes that!

8. Authenticity is the Key

You do not want the about us page of your website to look so much like the others. For the nth time, the About Us page is where potential customers can find your identity. The about us page is one of those content that is generic to every website, they have the same elements.

It all boils down to how you can make the about us page authentic despite the wide range of pages prospects can choose instead of you.

Here are the elements you can make sure that you can embed your identity in to be authentic:

  • Theme
  • Photos
  • Font
  • Color Scheme
  • Headlines
  • Your voice on how you introduce your business!

9. Put Call-to-action

This is a very important part of the About Us pages. Most of the time, this is overlooked, because the mindset of the people is “It’s just the About Us page, why would I need a call-to-action in there?”

The truth is, this is one of the best places to put a call-to-action to. Imagine, after reading all the good stuff about the business, the prospects are on the vulnerable spectrum because they just read good things about the business and have good knowledge about it.

The tendency is they will look at what they can do next, so it will always and forever be a wise choice to put a call-to-action button on the About Us page of your business website.

10. About Us Page, It’s not just about you!

Well, About Us is about the business yes. But how can you make and write an excellent about us page that resonates with potential clients?

Know what your prospects want! 

If you know your target market. you will know the approach to use in writing the about us page. And yes! It is important that the wants of the potential clients are incorporated in your about us page. Here is a clearer example, if your potential clients are mostly the younger generation, your manner of writing should use slang words like YOLO, JK and etc. Or if your prospects are more on the older age, a more formal and minimalist type of about us page will resonate more with them than the one with fun colors and slang words.

The next section has a YouTube video that will teach you how to build an About Us page with Elementor!

How to Make an About Us Page using Elementor!

Here is a quick tutorial on how to build an About Us page for your website using Elementor!

The About Us page is as important as the other content on your website. Stop thinking about it as something that has no purpose because it plays a huge role and is a powerful tool to help grow your business, especially if done right!

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